Weight Lifting For Women


Weight lifting is a common way to develop strength and size of skeletal muscle. For women it’s very common now a days although, women are looking forward in developing stronger muscles. The best part of weight lifting for women is to develop a stronger heart and stronger immune system. It also helps to control weight and offers protection against osteoporosis, a major disease which often occurs after menopause.

The importance of weight lifting for women should not be underestimated. If done properly they can be a successful athlete or an bodybuilder, apart from this weight lifting for women is now recognized to be an essential part of any fitness regimen and now weight lifting has gained incredible popularity over the last decade or so, and socially it’s perfectly acceptable for women to take up weight lifting as a sport.

The biomechanical system of women and men are different though women has to work hard to get the similar results as men. The reason behind are physiological and hormonal. Men are typically stronger than women thus generate more force and men also produce ten times more testosteron than women. Testosterone helps in increasing muscle size. Thus, the concept is very clear that woman who has more testosterone may have a greater of strength and power development than other women.

For developing the body, women must lift weight around forty five minutes twice in a week. It is always better to take the advice of doctor before hitting the gym and similary consult with a fitness expert before starting your exercise program.

It is better to start with strength development and the important thing is to learn the proper technique of weight lifting because without proper technique one can hurt themselves and cause serious damage. Once you got the technique then you can start with heavy weights.

It is very important to note you should not feel pain while doing exercise however you have to stress the muscle to build size. There are numerous different way to get your muscles stronger. Equipment that plays major roles are dumb bells, calisthenic, free weight, weight machine and stretch bands.

Weight lifting has been proven to benefit everyone, before, women relied on low calorie diet and cardiovascular activity to enhance physical appearance.

Sadly low calorie diet regimes can be very impractical and plummet the metabolic activity and, without strengthing the body. But weight lifting has changed the whole concept. Now everyone knows that weight is absouletly essential if anyone is to make visual changes to your body although, benefits of weight lifting is far beyond the visual effects.


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