Weight Lifting Competitions


In ancient times, testing of ones manhood was done by weight lifting. They would lift heavy stones such as Blue stones of old Dailly, Dinnie Stones and Inver stone to show the power moreover it was the matter of prestige to the tribal kingdom in ancient times.

Considering the available facts, weight lifting competitions first began in Europe in the late 1880 and the champion of the competition was crowned in 1891. In those periods, there were no other sub division and the crown went to the man able to lift the maximum weight.

Weight lifting competition was clubbed as a part of athletics in 1896; however, weight lifting was excluded in the 1900 games. Again, the art of weight lifting was notice in 1904, but the game was not included in Olympics however, in 1920, weight lifting has been accepted as a sport.

In those periods, Olympics introduced some strange weight lifting programs such as, one and two handed lift with no weight division however, rules where changed in 1932 and five sub division has been established and form three discipline for the competition viz. snatch, press and clean and jerk. In snatch, the weight lifter lift the weight above the head in one fast-uninterrupted movement however, in the second movement the weight is brought to the shoulders and after that, the weight is jerked upwards above the head.

Although, in the second movement the weights are lifted in two stages makes it easier and the lifted weights. Later in 1972, the press division was abolished and only the snatch and clean jerk where accepted as a sport and added to the Olympic discipline. As a revolution in 2000, it was introduced for women in this power event in Sydney.

Above all, weight lifting has been established to be very effective in increasing endurance. Weight lifting gained popularity in 6th century in this period athletes lifted heavy stones, Later, this period came to be known as the “age of strength.” during this age, Milo of Crotona, a military hero a progressive weight lifting exercise.

In Greece, weight lifting was a very popular sport during the reign in the Olympic Games as well as the Chou dynasty (1122-249 BC), soldiers were required to undergo a endurance and strength test in order to gain enrollment into the army.

Now the weight lifting competition is one of the major events in Olympics and national sport all around the world.


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